Working in XR(VR/AR/MR) industory




Mainly worked in high profile live event industry as AV supplier. Developed in xR field due to Covid. ICVFX related US patent pending. Have wide various knowledge of many fields thus possible to put things together where others usually cannot.


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Expeirenced in ICVFX productions, workflow, trouble shooting. Experienced with LED technology. Experienced in film industry.



General video tech, TouchDesigner, Unreal Engine

[[en]]Work of interest[[ja]]興味のある仕事

R&D, workflow, location

[[en]]What I look for in a job[[ja]]仕事に求めること

[[en]]Ideal Work Environment[[ja]]理想的な職場環境

Value in both ways.

[[en]]What is important to you in your job[[ja]]仕事をするうえで重要なこと