Working in XR(VR/AR/MR) industory





Founder and CEO of Newond, Inc and inxR Inc. We operate 4 services.

Software services to automate back-office operations during layoffs

Match XRs,

a recruiting platform that specializes in the Augmented, Virtual, or Mixed Reality industry.

Virtual EC Store,

an e-commerce service using VR that combines the convenience of offline and online.

Beauty AR,

an AR service that allows users to try on cosmetics, accessories, etc. without the need for non-contact face-to-face customer service.


2023 Newond, Inc. / CEO & Founder

HRtech Startup

2021 inxR, Inc. / CEO & Founder

XR Vender

2022 Users of the in-house service "Match XRs" increased to 14 countries. 

D'Arts Inc. / CSO

VR startup


2017 TANABE CONSULTING CO., LTD. / Associate

Management consulting firm listed on the first section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange


2017 B.A., Kansai University


MVP Development, Alliance, Sales

[[en]]Work of interest[[ja]]興味のある仕事

HR, Finance, DX, SaaS, BtoB

[[en]]What I look for in a job[[ja]]仕事に求めること

Economic and social impact

[[en]]Ideal Work Environment[[ja]]理想的な職場環境

Flexible environment for change

[[en]]What is important to you in your job[[ja]]仕事をするうえで重要なこと

sense of purpose